
Works made during a residency in Graz in 2020


Photo collage


By cutting out and isolating individual elements of photographs of Graz roofs, these collages explore combinations of texture, color and perspective. The result: a somewhat surreal landscape.


Durch das Ausschneiden und Isolieren einzelner Elemente von Fotografien der Grazer Dächer, erforschen diese Collagen Kombinationen von Textur, Farbe und Perspektiven. Das Ergebnis: eine etwas surreale Landschaft.


Recortando y aislando elementos individuales fotografías de los tejados de Graz, estos collages exploran combinaciones de textura, color y perspectiva. El resultado: un paisaje surrealista.

Sunrise on roof tops

Photo collages

After documenting color moods of the sky of Graz, excerpts of photographs were transferred to the pattern of the tiled roofs by sewing.

From the exhibition in “An einem anderen Ort” – Fotogalerie im Rathhaus (Graz, Austria)

Roof tiles

400 photos stitched with sewing machine
160 x 140 cm

From the exhibition in “An einem anderen Ort” – Fotogalerie im Rathhaus (Graz, Austria)