for ensemble, objects, live electronics and live visuals.
Paisajes Ajenos (Foreign landscapes / Fremde Landschaften) makes use of the collage to describe and narrate different landscapes and scenes throughout sound and visual atmospheres.
The material comes from revisiting pieces written during the master’s studies, which include installations, video, graphic notation, improvisation, composition with samples and music theater. The piece incorporates these elements and puts them in a live context where music, electronics, and visuals play an equal role of importance. The connection between these makes possible the development of a continuous narration.
Paisajes Ajenos comes from the experience of daily life, from observing situations, actions, and gestures that are hidden in the repetitive and mundane doing in the every day. It is this what I aim to emphasize: the subtleties of a reality that exists almost invisible. That, which has no measure or time.
Live electronics: Lukas Jabok Löcker.
Live visuals: Roberta Lazo Valenzuela and Remo Rauscher.

The program includes the following pieces:
Seasons (fixed media)
Futuro orgánico
Sound Image I
Kitchen Door (fixed media)